Thursday, November 19, 2009


Familiarity consumed me as I noticed her silhouette. I knew we'd met before, but I just wasn't sure of all the details. I attempted to prepare myself mentally before I could take one step in her direction. Perfecting my approach so to speak. Would I begin by telling her how I love her more than anything in this world? Or how I'm proud of her and all of her accomplishments? Or do I start by expressing my anger and frustrations for being an obstacle in my life...furthermore preventing me from getting closer to my destiny? I can't decide. But I take the first step anyway. My heart beat starts to pick up as I notice how fragile she appears. Her back is towards me. I become overwhelmed with mixed emotions. I've been dying for the opportunity to come face to face with this person who has been trying to control my life. Sometimes I think she's a gift to me from God and can do no wrong. While other times I feel she's nothing but a hindrance on my road to success. I take another step in her direction. Her head's hanging down. Based on her body language, it appeared she was crying. At first I begin to sympathize. But why should I?!? She made me fear happiness! Prevented me from being happy! She made me not even want to learn what real LOVE is! Why should I care?!? I took another step in her direction. My heart started beating faster.The closer I got to her, the more I could feel her emotions...the more I could feel her pain. I reached out & placed my hand on her shoulder with plans to console her. At that moment she began to speak to me. She said "I love you more than anything in this world & I'm proud of you and all of your accomplishments. But I'm very angry & I find you to be an obstacle in my life at times. Often times I think you're heaven sent, while other times I find you to be nothing but a hindrance on my road to success! There are times when I want to be there for you, but I blame you for the fact that I fear happiness. I blame you for me not being open to learning what love really is! I blame you! I could feel ALL of her emotions...with just one hand on her shoulder. It was almost surreal. With both of our hearts racing, she turns to me with her head still hanging down & said "I forgive you." She then slowly looked up at me. At that moment, I then realized why she was so familiar to me...and why I could feel everything that she felt. It was because...she was me.

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