Friday, November 13, 2009

Come Out! Come Out! Wherever You Are!

I wonder if there is an age limit on when you discover your hidden talent or talents. Because I'm 27 years old and I have yet to discover mine. I can't sing. I don't dance (in public). I can't cook. I'm not really all that funny (to other people at least). Athletic? Unless you consider shopping during the holidays a sport, then that would be a negative as well. I can't sew. I enjoy food way too much to be a model. And I'm not creative enough to be a designer. But I'm sure there HAS to be something that I do well to make my parents say "Good job Nik...we're proud of you!" When I was in school I used to get good grades. But now that I'm out of school, that's over. So what's left for me? I'm not a mom, so can't say I'm a great mother. I'm not married, so can't say I'm a good wife. So maybe it's that right now I'm in a prepping phase. Maybe God is preparing me for something. I'm sure that I have a purpose in this life...something that I was placed here on this earth to do. I wonder if it will line up parallel with what I want to do. I want to create this..."empire" so to speak for young girls/women. I want to mentor and provide an outlet for them. I want to prevent them from making some of the same decisions that I made and also be there to comfort and guide them when they do. I want to help prepare them for the future. I want to instill things in them today, that they will need in order to be strong & successful women of tomorrow. I probably can't do it alone though...I need a team. Can I make this happen...of course I can. Watch me! For now, I'll just keep doing the one thing that I know that no one can do better & that's DO ME! Stay tuned...

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